Visual Studio Release Management and PaaS

Can you deploy Platform as a Service (PaaS) components to Azure using Visual Studio Release Management? I get this question quite often lately. Short answer: yes you can. And how? Via a virtual machine. Yes – this is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and not PaaS. Yes – this is not what you expected. Me neither. But it’s the only supported way right now. I hope this will change in future versions and that we get a “Azure PowerShell” like we have in Build.VNext. But right now this is the way to go. If you watch BREAKPOINT: Release Management and … Continue reading Visual Studio Release Management and PaaS

Be careful with custom variable names in Release Management

If you use Visual Studio Release Management vNext / 2013 with PowerShell/DSC you probably have a lot of custom configuration variables that you pass to your scripts. Be careful when you choose the names for these variables because! There are a lot of reserved words. For example the word UserName is reserved. This leads to very odd error messages that are really hard to track down: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. —> Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Common.Helpers.OperationFailedException: Permission denied while trying to connect to the target machine <hostname> on the port:5985 via power shell remoting. Please check the following link for instructions: … Continue reading Be careful with custom variable names in Release Management

Deploy to none domain machines with Visual Studio Release Management vNext

There is a lot of documentation on how to deploy to machines outside your domain using agent based deployment ( i.e. on msdn) using shadow accounts. But I couldn’t find any documentation if and how this is done using vNext / agent-less deployment. If you deploy to server outside your domain you get the following error messge: Connecting to remote server <name> failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot process the request. The following error with errorcode 0x80090311 occurred while using Kerberos authentication: There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.  So this is … Continue reading Deploy to none domain machines with Visual Studio Release Management vNext

Posten von Source-Code-Snippts in HTML (Visual Studio 2010)

Wer Codeblöcke aus Visual Studio in Blogs, Foren oder einfach nur Word verwenden will, der kann einen kleinen Trick von Visual Studio nutzen: in einer html Datei kann man aus dem Context-Menu “Paste alternate” verwenden. Dies fügt den Codeabschnitt als reines HTML ein. Das kann dann in Foren und Blogs verwendet werden. Auch in normalen Worddateien ist die Formatierung deutlich besser. Der Befehl steht nur in der Ansicht “Source” zur Verfügung – nicht im “Design”. Continue reading Posten von Source-Code-Snippts in HTML (Visual Studio 2010)