
These are the conferences and shows I attended or will attend starting at spring 2016. I’ll keep the list up to date and link to session material or videos whenever possible.

23.-27.01.2023 NDC London

Where: London
Session: From Application Security to Developer Security – Shift left with GitHub Advanced Security
Handout: download

26.-28.09.2022 European Cloud Summit

Featured Speaker
Session: to be announced
Where: Mainz, Germany

08.-10.08.20022 KCDC, Kansas

Where: Kansas City, USA
Workshop: Hands-on Code to Cloud with GitHub
Session: Application Security from start to finish

04.-08.07.2022 Developer Week ’22

Where: Nuremberg, Germany
Workshop: GitHub Bootcamp
Session: Sichere Anwendungen von A bis Z
Workshop: Deep Dive into Git

20.-23.06.2022 DevOpsCon Berlin

Where: Berlin, Germany
Workshop: GitHub Bootcamp

24.-26.05.2022 Microsoft Build

Where: Spotlight Berlin, Germany
Session: Table Topic and Learning Live Session

16.-18.05.2022 IT Security Summit

Where: Munich, Germany
Session: Sichere Anwendungen von A bis Z

25.-29.04.2022 NDC Porto

Where: Porto, Portugal
Handout: ndc-porto-2022
Session: Application security from start to finish
Workshop: Deep Dive into Git
Workshop: From 0 to hero: GitHub Actions kick start

21.-25.02.2022 Basta

Where: Frankfurt, Germany
Session: Besser zusammenarbeiten – mit GitHub Projects
Xpirit Germany will also be there with a booth!

7.-10.12.21 Microsoft Azure Solution Summit

Where: online
Language: German
Sessions: 4 Sessions + 1 Panel discussion

7.07.21 DevOps Forum

Where: Online
Session: DevOps + Security = DevSecOps

28.6-2.07.2021 Developer Week’21

Where: Online
Track-Host: DevOps
Session: Zurück in die Zukunft – DevOps als Motor der Unternehmen von morgen
Session: Git verstehen: ein Blick unter die Haube der Quellcodeverwaltung
Session: Secure DevOps: Sicherheit in Zeiten von täglichen Deployments

25.02.2021 DevOps Meetup Stuttgart

Where: Online
Session: Git for Fun – Git workflows for DevOps Teams
Language: English

19.02.2021 My Coding Zone

Where: Twitch/Youtube
Session: Git for Fun – Git verstehen und produktiv einsetzen

15.02.2021 DevOps Forum

Where: Online
Session: Why DevOps?

25.11.2020 .NET Developer Conference (DDC) 2020

Keynote: Zurück in die Zukunft – DevOps als Motor der Unternehmen von morgen
Where: Online

24.09.2020 BASTA!

Where: Online
Session: Understanding Git

9.07.2020 Digital Business Week

Where: Online
Session: Panel Discussion – DevOps in Enterprise Companies

29.06.2020 Developer Week (DWX) 2020

Where: Online
Session: Kulturwandel

25.04.2020 Global Azure Stuttgart

Where: Online

14.11.2019 DevOpsWorld Conference

Where: Frankfurt, Germany
Opening keynote: Back to the future: DevOps as the engine that drives tomorrows companies (German: Zurück in die Zukunft – DevOps als Motor der Unternehmen von morgen)

23.-25.10.2019 .NET DeveloperDays 2019

Where: Warsaw, Poland
Session: Git for Fun – Getting productive with Git

24.-26.09.2019 BASTA!

Where: Mainz, Germany
Session: TechnicalDebt with SonarQube and NDepend

30.06.2019 Azure Camp

Where: Konstanz, Germany
Session: Git for Fun – Wie man mit Git richtig produktiv wird
Session: DevOps – From 0 to Hero with Azure DevOps

24.-27.06.2019 Developer Week

Where: Nuremberg, Germany
Session: TechnicalDebt with SonarQube and NDepend

28.05.2019 .NET DAY SWITZERLAND 2019

Where: Zurich, Switzerland
Session: “Git for Fun – Getting productive with Git”

29.03.2019 #WROC Conference 2019

Where: Wrocław, Poland
opening keynote: “DevOps – From 0 to Hero with Azure DevOps”

26.-28.02.2019, Basta! Conference

Where: Frankfurt, Germany
Session 1: “Git for Fun – Getting productive with Git”
Session 2: “The Career Zen for Software Developers”

23.-24.10.2018, PM Forum


Where: Nuremberg, Germany
Session: “Human Centered DevOps”

17.10.2018, Azure DevOps


Where: Stuttgart, Germany
Session: The talk with Benjamin Abt and me was an introduction to Azure DevOps.

18.-19.09.2018, Developer Days Conference


Where: Warsaw, Poland
I have two talks: one is called “From 0 to DevOps” and it is about what DevOps is and how you should approach it in your company or team. The second talk is called “Continuous Delivery with FeatureFlags”.

25.-28.06.2018, Developer Week


Where: Nuremberg, Germany
This time I will give a none technical talk called “Das Karriere-Zen für Software Entwickler”. It is about how to approach your career as a developer to be successful and happy.

20.-21.06.2018, Clean Code Days


Where: Munich, Germany
I give my talk “Clean Code is Team Sport” and describe the correlation between clean code and technical debt and how you can enforce it on a team or organization level.

16.06.2018, Global DevOps Bootcamp


Where: Cologne, Germany
Together with Neno I organize the Global DevOps Bootcamp in Cologne. The topic this year is: “From once a month to multiple times a day”. The event is free – you can register here if you want to join.

17.04.2018 Azure Meetup Hamburg

Together with Benjamin Abt we show you how you get ASP.NET Core Apps on Docker and Kubernetes from Code to production with VSTS.

25.-29.09.2017 Basta! Conference


Where: Mainz, Germany
I talked about Feature Flags in practice: control runtime behavior instead of duplicating code. The talk was about LaunchDarkly and FeatureSwitcher with the new VSTS Plugin.

04.07.2017 Azure Meetup


Where: Stuttgart, Germany
Together with Benjamin Abt we showed you how you get ASP.NET Core Apps on Docker and Kubernetes from Code to production with VSTS.

26.-29.06.2017 Developer Week

DWX Banner

Where: Nuremberg, Germany
My session was about Continuous Delivery with Feature Flags. I also had a Session and a half day Workshop with my colleague Benjamin Abt. We showed you how you get ASP.NET Core Apps on Docker and Kubernetes from Code to production with VSTS.

24.06.2017 Azure Saturday


Where: Munich, Germany
I talked about continuous delivery with feature flags and LaunchDarkly and VSTS.

17.06.2017 Global DevOps Bootcamp

Where: Munich, Germany
I helped at the Golab DevOps Bootcamp from Agile Munich.

21.-22.06.2017 Clean Code Days 2017


Where: Munich, Germany
I will talk about clean code and technical debt. The talk is  about managing technical debt with SonarQube.

23.03.2017 connect.IT

Where: Heilbronn, Germany
I talked about DevOps on the Microsoft DevOps platform for any language and any platform.

06.-08.12.2016 Technical Summit


Where: Darmstadt, Germany
I spoke about software design for DevOps organizations at the Technical Summit.

The approached the DevOps topic from the developer perspective. I talked about software design and design patterns, micro services, container (Docker and Service Fabric) and how it all plays together to build a release pipeline that enables teams to deploy 100 times per day to production. I wrote a post about one of the demos I did.

Language: German

15.-18.11.2016 Manage Agile

Where: Berlin, Germany
I talked about agile fixed price projects with Scrum and Prince2.

In the session I will explain how you can use management frameworks like scrum and prince2 to deliver fixed price projects in an agile way.

Language: German

14.11.2016 45. ScrumTisch Stuttgart: Kanban & DevOps

Where: Stuttgart, Germany
I talked about DevOps in general at the 45. ScrumTisch Stuttgart.

19.-23.09.2016 BASTA! Conference

Where: Mainz, Germany,
I spoke about software design for DevOps organizations at the Basta! conference.

The talk approached the DevOps story from a developer perspective. The session was about software design and design patterns, micro services, container (Docker and Service Fabric) and how it all plays together to build a release pipeline that enables teams to deploy 100 times per day to production.

Language: German

20.-23.06.2016 Developer Week


Where: Nuremberg, Germany
I spoke about software design for DevOps organizations.

The talk approached the DevOps story from a developer perspective. The session was about software design and design patterns, micro services, container (Docker and Service Fabric) and how it all plays together to build a release pipeline that enables teams to deploy 100 times per day to production.

Language: German

13.-14.04.2016 ALM Days

Where: Cologne, Germany
The session was recorded and is available on channel9.

I talked about agile fixed price projects with Scrum and Prince2.

In the session I explained how you can use management frameworks like scrum and prince2 to deliver fixed price projects in an agile way.

Language: German

11.4.2016 .Net User Group

Where: Stuttgart, Germany
Software design for DevOps and Infrastructure as Code

I had two session. The first one was about software design for DevOps teams. The second was about how you have to change the way you build PowerShell scripts if you want to treat infrastructure as code.

Language: German
Location: Alegri Stuttgart

TechTalk – ALM Series: Release Management with VSTS


I was guest in the TechTalk ALM Series with Daniel Meixner.

In episode 66 we talk about the new Release Management in Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and TFS 2015.2.

Language: German
Released: 2/2/2016

TechTalk – ALM Series: New builds in TFS 2015 and VSTS


I was guest in the TechTalk ALM Series with Daniel Meixner.

In episode 65 we talk about Buil.VNext – the new build system in TFS 2015 and Visual Studio Team Services.

Released: 2/2/2016

TechTalk – ALM Series: Professional PowerShell Development


I was guest in the TechTalk ALM Series with Daniel Meixner.

In episode 64 we talk about professional development of PowerShell with Visual Studio, GitHub and Pester.

Language: German
Released: 2/2/2016

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