Where is my git ignore file in Visual Studio?

If you work a lot with github, then you are used to add a .gitignore file when you initialize your repository. If you create a project in TFS or Visual Studio Team Services this is not the case. You have to add your .gitignore file using the team project settings. Under settings navigate to repository settings. Look for the “Ignore File” and click “add”. Edit the file if you need to do any modifications. Now commit the .ignorefile and push your changes to the server. The git integration in Visual Studio and TFS is pretty good – but a lot … Continue reading Where is my git ignore file in Visual Studio?

How to move build definitions in TFS to other projects using the REST API

The new build system in TFS or VSTS supports saving build definitions as templates. The problem is, that this only works inside a single TFS project. If you want to share your definition with other projects you have to use the REST API. First you have to extract your current build definition. Get a list of all build definitions and check the ids. Then use this ID to get the full definition. Now save the json to a file and remove all the clutter like _links, revision etc. I’ve marked all the sections that you can remove in the following … Continue reading How to move build definitions in TFS to other projects using the REST API

Missing files in MSDeploy package

Problem If you create an MSDeploy package for a SharePoint or O365 AddIn (a.k.a App) in a team build the package does not include all files (like i.e. language resources). Reason This seems to be a bug in MSDeploy. If you build the app only with /p:Ispackaging=True everything works fine. You get a web package inside the app.publish folder that contains all files. If you work with multiple Publishing Profiles and specify an explicit profile strange things happen. /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=NameOfPackageProfile You still get the package but if you look inside the package the folders are missing. Solution If you can … Continue reading Missing files in MSDeploy package

Set assembly and app version to a matching build name in TFS 2015 or VSO Build.VNext

One of the most common customizations in TFS XAML build templates was to automatically update the assembly version number. This can also be done in build vNext using a small power shell script. I also added the option to apply … Continue reading Set assembly and app version to a matching build name in TFS 2015 or VSO Build.VNext

Visual Studio Release Management and PaaS

Can you deploy Platform as a Service (PaaS) components to Azure using Visual Studio Release Management? I get this question quite often lately. Short answer: yes you can. And how? Via a virtual machine. Yes – this is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and not PaaS. Yes – this is not what you expected. Me neither. But it’s the only supported way right now. I hope this will change in future versions and that we get a “Azure PowerShell” like we have in Build.VNext. But right now this is the way to go. If you watch BREAKPOINT: Release Management and … Continue reading Visual Studio Release Management and PaaS